Ardmore Presbyterian Launches “First Place” as Housing for Refugees

The Ardmore Presbyterian Church has begun a ministry to refugees in the greater Philadelphia area. We have leased a small three-bedroom house in Ardmore, called “First Place”, to be used for US government approved refugees who have emergency/transitional housing needs. There are many refugee families already in the area whose housing situations are not adequate. This home will provide temporary help for them, one family at a time, while refugee agencies find more satisfactory permanent housing. Once the current 120 day refugee admissions ban is over, the house will also be available for short term stays by newly arrived refugee families.

First Place is being furnished entirely by donations from members and friends of the Ardmore congregation. Hospitality in the form of mentoring, English tutoring, shopping assistance, and cultural education will also be offered to the residents of First Place. Participation in this ministry is also open to all in our presbytery who feel called to welcome these folks who have experienced the trauma of being forced from their homes and countries. It is a ministry to the “least of these, Christ’s brothers and sisters.” Contact Rev. Sturgis Poorman, Parish Associate, Ardmore Presbyterian Church (610-547-2330).