300 Days for 300 Years: A Commemorative Devotional of the Presbytery of Philadelphia

Rev. Agnes W. Norfleet, Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church

  • Morning Psalms: Psalm 119:73-80; 145
  • First Reading: Jeremiah 1:11-19
  • Second Reading: Romans 1:1-15
  • Gospel Reading: John 4:27-42
  • Evening Psalms: Psalm 121; 6

On Leaving the Water Jar Behind

These verses from John 4 are the culminating high point of the story of Jesus and the Woman at the Well, when the woman’s inquisitive testimony about Jesus becomes an invitation for many others to trust he is the Savior of the world. He cannot be the Messiah, can he? That stunningly faithful question is answered by their own coming to faith.

As the drama moves toward this climactic moment, John includes a seemingly insignificant detail: The woman left her water jar and went back to the city. What difference does it make that she left her water jar? Did she no longer need water to drink because Jesus had offered her Living Water? Was she simply running to share her encounter with Jesus in such haste that she forgot it? Did she plan to return for it later, perhaps at dusk when others would be gathered at the well, because she has been healed of her alienation?

I believe that water jar left behind invites us to consider what ordinary, regular old appendage we might leave behind in order to drink of Jesus’ Living Water.

Loving God, help us leave what can be left behind in order to open ourselves to the endless depths of your love, welcome and grace. Amen.