Statistical Reporting For YE 2023

Statistical Reporting For YE 2023

The online Statistical reporting site of the PC(USA) for 2023 Year End Reporting will open on Friday, December 1, 2023Click here to access our denominations’ statistical reporting site with access to the online reporting form. Here are the deadlines:

  • Thursday, February 15, 2024 – Last day the statistics entry option will be available to churches.
  • Friday, March 1, 2024 – Last day for Presbyteries to enter statistical information.

***UPDATED: For your reference for upcoming reporting, here is a fill-in form:

Blank Statistical Report ****

If you need your password/sign-in or have any questions, concerns, or require other information, please contact Betsi Moise at

Every year, the Presbytery of Philadelphia assists churches in entering their statistical information into the PC(USA) online program. Even with an exceptional year, statistics continue to record the heartbeat of each member, past and present. From the ceremony of baptism to the celebration of life memorial services, we lift up every saint. They have become an integral thread in the tapestry of our story, connected as a people whose hope is in Jesus Christ. We use our statistical and session record information as a means of determining future mission and ministry work within our churches and communities. It is “Christ’s Work, Our Witness” that is reflected in our annual reporting.

Thank you Clerks for all you do!