As the Presbytery of Philadelphia, we have been blessed with a rich heritage of pastoral leadership that spans more than 300 years. As descendants, recipients, and stewards of that leadership, we are creating a video library entitled Legacies in Leadership. It is our hope to be able to lift up the witness of leaders who have been pivotal in embodying the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the greater Philadelphia area.
We want to share their stories – their tenacity – the depth of their faith and witness. Many of these leaders will be individuals whose witness has been largely embodied on the margins and footnotes of our larger history. Our hope is to move those stories onto the main pages of our journey – so that we might be both informed and inspired to press on – at this time in history.
The minister members among us offer rich life stories to share as legacies of leadership in our midst. Our first video highlights the legacy of Rev. Dr. Ethelyn Taylor, who recently retired after serving 30 years as the pastor of Oxford Presbyterian Church. This was after a 25-year career as an educator.
A Video Introduction by Rev. Kevin Porter
A Commentary by Rev. Ruth Faith Santana-Grace