Fall 2024 Resources: Seminars, Christian Education, Bible Studies and Curriculum

Although there is a possibility of a couple more hot says ahead the copper and golden leaves have begun to flutter down with a promise that Autumn, bringing its glorious colours and crisp air, is just around the corner!

Our Congregations prepare for this season as a time to begin new programs in Christian Education; new Bible Study Themes, new Sunday School Curriculum, and attend equipping seminars.

We have provided links to various resources to help you plan for the Autumn Season.

The Presbytery offers an Equipping Event for All!

Our Seventh Annual Fall Fest gathering will be held on Saturday, October 26, 2024  at Abington with sessions that include topics on Preaching, Elder Training, Public Witness and Your Church, Effective Communication. Financial Strategies and more! Details here.

The Presbyterian Publishing Corporation (PPC):

Resource available through the PPC include Christian Education & Ministry resources, Leadership Training resources, and Bible Study Curriculums for all ages. Click here for information, catalogs and resources.

For all Curriculum Resources from the PCUSA Store, access the catalog here.

A new Bible Study from John Know Press which explores the nine aspects of the fruit of the Spirit.

Virtual Seminars:

This fall, the Princeton Seminar Series offers virtual seminars designed for spiritual seekers, church leaders, and humanities enthusiasts alike, these seminars offer a unique combination of theological depth and ethical engagement. Upcoming seminar: