Fall Fest 2024 Re-Cap

Within a 10-day span, more than 120 people have participated in our Presbytery-led events.  On Saturday, October 26th, 70 leaders from around the Presbytery gathered at Abington Presbyterian Church to engage with our theme of a “Hope-Filled Leadership for a Disruptive Season” at our 2024 Fall Fest!

We were blessed with opening worship exploring Luke 5:17-26 delving into how the people of God can incarnate radical hope in the midst of daunting challenges.  We were then inspired by our keynote speaker, the Rev, Dr. Diane L. Givens Moffett, President & Executive Director of the Presbyterian Mission Agency, who invited us to think critically about our calling as congregational leaders, both ruling & teaching elders, to lead from a place of hope for what God is doing the lives of our churches.  The rest of the day was filled with workshops focused on equipping our leaders, developing communications & mission strategies, and how to respond as people of faith in times such as these.

Our time concluded with a presbytery blessing lifted in thanksgiving for the service of the Rev. Dr. Diane L. Givens Moffett as she neared the end of her time leading the Presbyterian Mission Agency.  It was a day filled with celebration, insight & fellowship.

The following video is the opening plenary.