APNC Blog Update, July 29, 2014

“Your MIF Awaits” 

Members and friends of the Presbytery of Philadelphia, I have good news. Our Mission Information Form is completed, signed, and now posted on opportunities section of our denomination’s website. This means that the Associate Presbyter Nominating Committee is in business. We pray and place our hope in God that this form will soon end up in the computer of the candidate the Holy Spirit has for us.

For now, please take a look at this Mission Information Form and check out what we wrote. Then, do the following:

  • One: pray. I’m asking you to pray with me and the members of our committee. We are placing ourselves before the Lord as we seek God’s will in this matter. If you do nothing, else, would you pray? Pray that God will guide our conversations. Pray that God would clearly and unmistakably call a gifted candidate who would fit this position.
  •  Two: consider your networks. Do you know of someone who is good and gifted? Please share our MIF with that person please.
  • Three: jump in. While the MIF was created to fill a position, the document is actually an invitation to all of our Teaching Elders, Ruling Elders, and members. Our presbytery is moving in a dramatically new and a fundamentally different way. We are only hiring one Associate and there’s so much ministry and mission to do. We need you to participate in our regional gatherings. We need you to fill empty positions for commissions and committees. We need you to strengthen what God is doing here.

PresbyLogo web bkgrndFor now, read and enjoy our Mission Information Form: AP Presbytery of Philadelphia
