Members & Church Liaisons

Commission on Ministry

Works with churches in pastoral transitions, approves pastoral calls, and provides general oversight of all Teaching Elders, including those in Validated Ministries.

Membership: The COM is composed of twenty-seven (27) Teaching and Ruling Elders in approximately equal numbers.

Current Members of the Commission on Ministry and their regions:


Rev. Diane Fitch NE Moderator
Elder Gina Baah NE
Elder Joan Clerk NE
Rev. Marianne Morgan* NE
Rev. Rachel Rhodes* NE
Rev. John Sweet NE


Rev. Cynthia Betz-Bogoly NW Moderator
Rev. Ted Mingle* NW
Elder Ruth Murphy NW
Elder Nancy Pinkowicz NW
Rev. Ashley Rossi NW
Rev. Sameh Shaker NW


Elder Dave Sager SE Moderator
Rev. Peter Ahn SE
Rev. Jonathan Britt SE
Elder Gene Burke SE
Elder Yvonne Rudolph* SE
Rev. Todd Stavrakos SE


Rev. Anna Grant-Borden* SW Moderator
Elder Susan Bravo SW
Rev. Liz Wagner SW
Elder Dr. Darlene Beasley SW
Elder Deborah McKnight SW

Moderator – Rev. Kari Olson (East Falls) – 2024*
Vice-Moderator – Elder Contina Lee Lundy (Germantown, First) – 2025

*Second term

Presbytery Staff:

  • Rev. Ruth Faith Santana-Grace (Executive Presbyter)
  • Rev. Kevin Porter (Stated Clerk)