Resourcing Our Churches
Resources from our May 6, 2023 Stewardship Event
On Saturday, May 6, pastors and church leaders from around the Presbytery gathered at the First Presbyterian Church in Springfield (Flourtown) for a special stewardship event sponsored by the Presbyterian Foundation.
Rev. Diane Fitch of Flourtown welcomed everyone and our plenary speaker, Rev. Eustacia Moffett Marshall of New River Presbyterian Church, spoke of adaptive change and challenges in a post-pandemic church. You can download her presentation here.
This was followed by morning workshops, our lunch break and afternoon workshops. There were three workshops offered:
- Church Finances with Rev. Wonjae Choi (Chair, Board of Trustees) and Rev. Joseph Moore (Ministry Relations Officer)
- A Culture of Generosity with Stephen Keizer (Vice President Ministry Relations)
- Available Hidden Resources from the Presbyterian Foundation with Rev. Dr. Rose Niles (Ministry Relations Officer)
Feel free to explore all the resources the Foundation has to offer:
- Presbyterian Foundation Churches The Presbyterian Foundation partners with congregations to help them gather and steward the funds they need for the mission and ministry God calls them to accomplish.
- Presbyterian Foundation Annual Stewardship & Generosity Building a culture of generosity through year-round stewardship efforts.
- Presbyterian Foundation Capital Campaigns Capital Campaigns are an essential part of the church-funding mix. They provide for new and expanded facilities, growing endowments, paying down debt, and launching new mission efforts. The Foundation and its partners offers resources to help make your next capital campaign a success.
- Presbyterian Foundation Endowments Endowments provide income forever for your church or a ministry you want to support.
- Presbyterian Foundation Financial Literacy & Leadership Part of the Lilly Endowment Inc.’s National Initiative to Address Economic Challenges Facing Pastoral Leaders, this program helps to equip and train pastors and church leaders in their financial management and leadership for congregations.
- Presbyterian Foundation Online Giving Program Your church can easily accept secure online donations through the Foundation’s online giving system.
- Presbyterian Foundation Ministry Relations Officers Financial and gift planning professionals, called Ministry Relations Officers, work with pastors and church leaders to cultivate generosity and promote stewardship within their congregations. The Ministry Relations Officers are experienced fundraisers. They are also church leaders, having served as pastors, elders, and in other capacities throughout the denomination.
- <strong”>Presbyterian Foundation Toolbox The Ministry toolbox was created with your ministry in mind. Browse through articles, bulletin inserts, leadership guides, and more to create a program for your congregation.</strong”>
- Presbyterian Foundation Newsletters Subscribe to one or more of the Foundation newsletters for the latest news, tips, and resources delivered to your inbox.
- Presbyterian Foundation Tools for PastorsMost pastors acknowledge that they didn’t learn much about stewardship and church finances in seminary. The Foundation is a ready resource to help fill the gap.
Other Resources