Summary of the first Regional meeting of the Northwest Region

The Northwest Region held their first regional meeting on June 3, 2013 at 3:00 p.m. at Oxford Presbyterian Church. There were 57 attendees present representing 14 churches. The light rain at the start of the meeting drew people inside where the delicious odors from Oxford’s kitchen promised future fabulous fare.

We began with Worship. Led by Rev. Ethelyn Taylor (Oxford) the music was brisk and familiar. Rev. Aisha Brooks-Lytle (Wayne) provided scripture reading and a meditation. After prayer and a few more songs (while we continued to enjoy great smells of picnic food) the worship portion of our meeting ended.

Our Moderator, Rev. Katherine Rick-Miller (East Falls), opened the business portion of our meeting with welcome and announcements. Our Region has been blessed with two new Pastors and we took some time to welcome each of them to the Philadelphia Presbytery. The Rev. Dr. Janel Dixon (Cedar Park) was introduced and given a gift certificate to a restaurant in the Philadelphia suburbs. The Rev. Blake Brinegar (Valley Forge) was welcomed and he received a gift certificate to a Philadelphia restaurant.

At registration each person had received a survey consisting of questions designed to discover the strengths as well as the needs of our churches. We took some time to fill out the survey and to discuss several questions which appeared on a power point presentation. We were seated at round tables and paper and pens were provided for note taking.

At this point we were finally invited to sample the kitchen crew’s amazing provisions. We gathered at the serving table after prayer and no one went home hungry! Thank you, Oxford, for being wonderful hosts!!