Community Center, 4900 Wyalusing Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19131 Phone: 267.766.6035
A message from our Executive Presbyter – the Rev. Ruth Faith Santana-Grace and Stated Clerk – the Rev. Kevin Porter
I am about to do a new thing;
now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
I will make a way in the wilderness
and rivers in the desert.
(Isaiah 43:19)
After more than three years of conversations, strategic, meetings and an abundance of prayers, we continue to see how God indeed makes a way in the wilderness and refreshes with rivers in the desert. As you know, the Presbytery of Philadelphia has been partnering with three congregations who have become one worshipping community in West Philadelphia. The leadership of these three communities have committed to reclaiming the story of their witness in a way that is relevant and faithful for today.
Each of these congregations brings a unique identity and gift to this new thing God is clearly doing. For First African Presbyterian Church – they bring the rich history and identity of being the first African-American church in our denomination and third African American church in the nation. For Calvin Presbyterian Church – they bring a historic commitment of maintaining a faithful presence in their neighborhood amidst rapid shifts in demographics and challenges that came as many fled the city to the suburbs. For Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church – they bring an open door to churches of many denominational affiliations and community groups as an expression of their hospitality. Even after a tragic fire destroyed their building, their open heart continues to shape their witness.
As of January, these courageous saints have worshipped together at a community center on Wyalusing Avenue. Today, we are pleased to share the news that a pastor has been called to shepherd this West Philadelphia Presbyterian Partnership into the next chapter of their joint story. The Rev. Eustacia Marshall has landed in Philadelphia from North Carolina and will preach her first sermon on Sunday, July 21st at 10am. Most recently, Rev. Marshall has served as the Pastor to the Saint James Presbyterian Church in Greensboro, NC while also serving a new worshipping community hosted by St. James – Faith Point Fellowship. Rev. Marshall brings many gifts, from preaching and singing to administrative expertise and national leadership. We, along with an Administrative Commission that has faithfully been tasked with the oversight of this initiative, believe Rev. Marshall is clearly the leader God has prepared for such a time as this. Her ability to honor history and bridge innovative and creative approaches to ministry will serve her well. Rev. Marshall is joining us with her husband, the Rev. Toure Marshall and their two children – Jeremiah and Jessica. You can read more about Rev. Marshall here.
We hope you will join us in celebrating this new season of ministry within the life of our presbytery. We ask your continued prayers on this new worshipping community and for their new leader and her family.
When this journey began, it started with a stirring of God’s Spirit in the hearts of a few to go where God called, which felt not unlike a wilderness journey. With each step along the way, however, we have found ourselves blessed with manna along the journey, grateful for the rivers of life God has provided.
A special word of appreciation to the Administrative Commission, moderated by the Rev. Dr. Janel Dixon, that has served this initiative as the embodiment of our larger presbytery. Their service has been one of encouragement and inspiration, a faithful expression of the gospel for which we are grateful!
The WPPP is pleased to announce Rev. Eustacia Marshal as the Designated Pastor of the newly formed partnership. Please click on the link below for her bio.
Worshipping at WPPP
Summer Service Time:
10 AM Worship
Community Center
4900 Wyalusing Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19131
Rev. Eustacia Marshal, appointed Designated Pastor.
The congregations of First African Presbyterian Church, Calvin Presbyterian Church, and Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church are being guided by the Spirit into a new thing in West Philadelphia. Over two years of conversation and prayer, walking alongside the Presbytery of Philadelphia, the WPPP (West Philadelphia Presbyterian Partnership) entered a new stage of life as they began worshiping together as one in January 2019. With their new pastor they take their next step in this journey, humbly and continually attuned to the movement of the Spirit who has brought them this far.